Brookline Interactive Group content is available to watch on the Screenweave OTT app and is supported by the following platforms:
Apple TV™ & Apple TV 4K
Roku (TV, Express, Premiere, Ultra & Streaming Stick)
Apple TV Installation Instructions
You’ll need to be signed into your iTunes account to access and download store apps
Navigate to the “App Store” on your Apple TV main menu
Select “Search” on the top navigation bar
Search for “Cablecast Screenweave”
Select “Cablecast Screenweave” when it appears in your results
Select “Install” on the app store page.
Once it’s added, Navigate to your Home Screen to launch the application.
On the first launch, search “Brookline Interactive Group” (these stations are listed in order of which is nearest to you based on location).
On the next launch, the application will automatically go into the last station you were watching. To change, select “Select Channel” in the top navigation bar.
Roku Installation Instructions
Create or login to your Roku account to access apps
On the main menu, navigate to “Search”
Search for “Cablecast Screenweave” (You can just start typing “Cablecast” to find it) Select “Cablecast Screenweave” when it appears in your results
Once in the application, select “Add Channel”.
Once its added, Navigate to your Home Screen to launch the application.
Once you launch the application, search “Brookline Interactive Group” (these stations are listed in order of which is nearest to your based location.)