Dear Community,

I hope you and your family are safe and healthy at this moment. To the members of our BIG community who have had Covid-19, our thoughts, prayers, and hope for accessible health care go out to you and all during these difficult times. BIG’s team is working hard to bring Brookline residents live, timely and important local, state and federal updates and other community meetings during the Covid-19 pandemic.



We’re upgrading our fiber connection and streaming equipment, training our elected officials and community organizations on web conferencing tools, and helping them improve their home internet setups. With some encouragement from BIG, the Brookline Police Department created their own video tour of the Brookline Emergency Operations Center!

  We are using our community cable channels to post over 100 local announcements about small businesses, nonprofits, volunteerism, and gathering online surveys so we can provide the news and information you need. We are also bringing your neighbors to you- with free online and via cable meditation, art and workout classes, Shabbat services live on Friday nights from Ohabei Shalom, historical content from Ken Liss, and more. 

Here are some important links to local resources we’ve compiled:


Thanks for your support! Read more below about how you can donate, create your own COVID-19 community content, and tune in to BIG’s live, streaming and archived community information! 


There are many nonprofits who will need the support of Brookline residents through this difficult time, and BIG is working to make sure that our entire nonprofit and small business community is supported through our communication initiatives. 

If you are able, please also consider a donation to BIG among the vital organizations you choose to support. BIG’s 2020 budget has already lost thousands in funding from our in-person classes, events, programs, and memberships. We additionally suspect that our cable-based fees will also decline as more cable cutters jump to Internet-streaming only accounts during the pandemic. 

Thank you, and be well.

Stay Tuned!

-The Team at BIG