SPOA Housing Policy, Episode 11 – Renting Your Empty Apartment After September

The conversation highlights the financial troubles of rental property owners with empty apartments after the September 1st market. Despite some exceptions, filling those vacancies is typically more difficult during the off-season.

Boston Pads CEO, Demetrios Salpoglou, provides recommendations to get vacant apartments rented in the off-season using a variety of strategies, such as improving the units, adjusting prices and leasing methods, using new technology to analyze micro-neighborhoods, and knowing where to seek help. The influence of housing policy reform in helping owners provide more rental units and affordable housing options is also addressed.

SPOA Vice President, Amir Shahsavari, moderates the discussion.

Town Meeting – The Process

Heather Hamilton, Director of Operations at BIG and former Town Meeting Member and Select Board Chair, explains how Town Meeting in Brookline works.

00:00 Intro – Abby Chambass and Heather Hamilton
02:22 What is Town Meeting?
03:17 Kinds of Warrant Articles
04:05 Filing Warrant Articles
07:11 Combined Reports
08:21 Town Meeting and Passing Warrant Articles
10:26 Resolutions and Home Rule Petitions
11:52 Rejected Petitions

Work Connections 2024 @ Brookline Interactive Group

BIG checks in with this summer’s Work Connections crew.

Work Connections is a program in which each summer, Steps to Success supports 60+ high school students to be placed in paid internships in the public and private sectors in the Greater Boston area. This summer, BIG hired four Work Connections interns. Listen to how the summer went for them and what they worked on at BIG!

LWV Ballot Q2 MCAS Requirement 2024

League of Women Voters host a facilitated panel on Question #2 on the November 2024 ballot pertaining to removing MCAS as a requirement to graduate high school in the Commonwealth.