test stream

Meeting notes and agenda can be found here: https://www.brookline.k12.ma.us/Page/2087

TV on TV – Tommy Vitolo Interviews Jesse Hefter

Tommy Vitolo closes out the Candidate Series with Jesse Hefter, candidate for the Brookline School Committee. Jesse’s varied career has given him experience working with all kinds of people. If elected, he hopes to work with the School Committee on some big projects, like bringing fiber optic connectivity to Brookline and finalizing a policy on hate speech. Jesse and Tommy discuss de-leveling as a way of advocating for all students. In Jesse’s opinion, by the time students enter 9th grade, there should be no surprises about their education and what works for them. Jesse also talks about his experience campaigning and how the best part has been meeting new people in all corners of Brookline.

To learn more about Jesse and his campaign, visit https://jesseforbrookline.com/

Polls are open 7am to 8pm on Tuesday, May 7th, 2024. Be sure to tune into BIG’s live coverage of the results, starting at 7pm!

Signal Test 5-1-2024

Meeting notes and agenda can be found here: https://meetings.brooklinema.gov/OnBaseAgendaOnline/