We know that that since January, there have been 56 reports of Domestic assault and battery In our community. Furthermore, a High School Youth Health Survey conducted by the Brookline Parent Education Network in 2013 shows us that 5% of high school students report that they have been hit, slapped, or physically hurt on purpose by a boyfriend or girlfriend in the last year. Furthermore, 7% of students report having experienced sexual contact against one’s will. This is troubling news. Our goal now is to talk about how we, as a community, can better understand and talk about these issues, to shine a light on resources, and to find tools for prevention.
We are very pleased to bring you a diverse panel, each panelist bringing a unique perspective to the topic of Domestic Abuse. I am joined by Lovern Gordon, President of Love Life Now Foundation, Michelle Cove, Executive Director/Founder MEDIAGIRLS, Jenny Efimova, Outreach and Communications Director for Casa Myrna, Gavin Aui, Steps to Success Peer Leader, and Pamela Friedman, Chief, Victim Witness Unit, Norfolk District Attorney.