Under the Bed Pilot Lost

In the Pilot Episode we follow Winken and discover how he became, “Winken the Lost” as he tells his story in an effort to chase away the nightmares of the girl Peoples he has come to adore. Through his experiences past and present Winken shows that while he may stumble he will always do his best.

Under the Bed

Colette ……………….……………….… Anna Pierre
Young Colette ………….….…………… Jeanne Pierre
Carly ……………….…………………… Carly Mosen
Narrator …………………… …………….David Rothauser

Dogtoon Puppet Performers

Winken ……………..…….………. Douglas E. Cowell
Tinker ………………………………. Christine Dempsey
Topsom …………..……………… Harry LaCoste
Telf ………………..……………..… Honey Goodenough

Directed by …………..…..…… …………………..Douglas E. Cowell
Produced by …………………..………….……. Ben Brown
Kathy Bisbee
Music Direction by …….………………………..…. Laura Rodgers
Director of Photography…………………………….Jemma Bryne
Written by ………..…………………………….…… Douglas E. Cowell
Music by……………….……………….………….John Eric Strom
Priscilla Swain
Peter DiMauro
Emily Stewart

Sound Mixing ……………………………………………..Paul Rudolph
Sound Recording ………………………….……… Jordan Wuthl
Sound Design ……………………….………….… Laura Rodgers
Graphic Design Head ….……………………………Tessa Amoroso
Graphic Design …………………………….….… Lorand Moore
Ari Garber
Animation ………………………………..……… Julie Echeverri
Puppet Wranglers …… ……………………………..Christine Dempsey
Carly Mosen
“Unders” designed by ……………………………….Douglas E. Cowell

Doug Cowell [11:09 AM]
“Winken” Built by…………………………..………Kaitee Tredway
“Topsom” Built by……………………………..….Kaitee Tredway
“Tinker” Built by…………………………..….……Kaitee Tredway
“Telf” Built by ………………………..……………..Christine Dempsey
“Bill” Built by……………………….……..………Natalie Cunha
Hook and I Crochet
Costumes Designed by ..………………………Carly Mosen
Set Design by .……….………………………….. Douglas E. Cowell
Set Dressing ……..………………..……… ….Carly Mosen Anna Pierre
Jeanne Pierre
Set Technician…………….…………….……Ben Brown
Storyboards ………………….……………… Julie Echeverri
Production Assistance………………………. Jess Axelrad

Doug Cowell [12:13 PM]
“I’ll Always Do My Best”
Written by……………………………..John Eric Strom
Priscilla Swain

Performed by…………..………Douglas E. Cowell
Peter DiMauro

Recorded by ……………………….….……… BIG TV

“Dust Star”
Written by …………………….……… Emily Stewart
Performed by ………………..……… Emily Stewart