TV on TV – Gio Valencia

Tommy Vitolo interviews Gio Valencia, Executive Director of the Brookline Community Development Corporation.


Brain Wave Live! is Brookline’s only variety show for teens!

Brookline School Committee Meeting – November 14, 2024

Note: at one point in this video, a child’s name is mentioned, despite the rules set by the School Committee chair to protect the privacy of individuals not in the meeting. BIG has therefore removed approximately 2 seconds of the video in which the child’s name is mentioned, with a note in the video at the time of the utterance marking this edit. The rest of the video is as it was recorded live.

TV on TV – Tim Davis

Tommy Vitolo interviews Brookline Director of Recreation Tim Davis about putting on town-wide events like Harvest Fest and Brookline Day, and his department’s plans to create even more seasonal community events.