Brookline’s virtual town hall meeting are scheduled to take place on the following dates: November 16, 17, 18, and 30th – December 1, 2, 7, 8, 9
You can watch Town Meeting on our cable channels Comcast 23 and RCN 15, YouTube live, Facebook live, or Twitch. Links to all of these can be found here.
From Town Meeting is Brookline’s Legislative arm of government. It consists of 240 elected Town Meeting members (XLS), plus the members of the Select Board, and any state representative or state senator who resides in Brookline. In addition, the Town Moderator, who presides over Town Meeting, and the Town Clerk, who acts as secretary, are voting members. The 240 are elected by precinct, with 15 members elected from each of the town’s 16 precincts. The members are elected for staggered 3-year terms so that 5 members are elected from each precinct each year in the May annual town election.
A list of warrant articles can be found here.