TV on TV – Jessica Smyser

Tommy Vitolo interviews Jessica Smyser, Brookline Interactive’s new Executive Director. They first dive into Jessica’s passion for arts, culture, and storytelling in media (including her 10 years of experience in the music industry) before turning to BIG’s work in the community, as well as big changes to come!

Learn more about BIG and its educational offerings at

The Hidden Cost of Plastic to Human Health – Brookline Responds

The Brookline Department of Public Health and Human Services, Friends of Brookline Public Health, Mothers Out Front, Department of Public Works, Rotary Club, The Brookline Library, Climate Action Brookline, and Elder Climate Action co-sponsored “The Hidden Cost of Plastic to Human Health – Brookline Responds” on January 16th 2025.

“The Hidden Cost of Plastic to Human Health – Brookline Responds” is an informative session on the dangers of plastics to human health, and what Brookline is doing toward capping the production of plastics to improve environmental and human health.

TV on TV – Laila McGeorge

Tommy Vitolo interviews Laila McGeorge, Substance Use Prevention Coalition Coordinator for the Town of Brookline. Laila explains what she does here in Brookline to coordinate behavioral health for residents of all ages, by working with the Department of Public Health, Brookline Public Schools, the Police Department, the Housing Authority, and other community organizations. She touches on Brookline health campaigns and the evolution away from scare tactics in order to prevent and spread awareness of substance abuse.