STS IDS Screening April 2022

Watch an intergenerational friends and family screening of our digital storytelling project where Steps to Success Students …

A Family Revealed: From Slavery to Hope

An afternoon of engaging music and conversation, A Family Revealed: From Slavery to Hope, two descendants of a Confederate enslaver share their story, features folk singer and social activist Reggie Harris and longtime Brookline educator and resident Wallis Raemer.

Onstage, the two cousins, one black and one white, discuss their special journey and what it was like to discover each other’s deeply held feelings, pain, and hope. To underscore their messages and experience, Reggie Harris , a prominent interpreter of the use of music in historical movements for social change, sings his stirring, original songs accompanied by guitar.

Presented by the Town of Brookline MLK Celebration Committee, which is grateful to the the Coolidge Corner Theatre for its staff assistance and donation of the use of the main theater.

Sponsored by the Town of Brookline Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Relations and supported by a generous grant from the Brookline Community Foundation.