Ballot Question 1. “Shall the Town of Brookline be allowed to assess an additional
$7,665,000 in real estate and personal property taxes for the purposes of funding the costs of
additional enrollment in the Brookline Public Schools ($6,983,000) and funding the costs of
expenditures in municipal departments ($682,000) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015?”
Yes __________________ No____________________
Ballot Question 2. “Shall the Town of Brookline be allowed to exempt from the provisions
of proposition two and one‐half, so called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in
order to replace and expand the Edward Devotion School?”
Yes __________________ No____________________
IN FAVOR OF QUESTIONS 1 AND 2: (authored by Rebecca Stone, member, School Committee and Neil
Wishinsky, member, Board of Selectmen)
Educational excellence is Brookline’s trademark. A yes vote on both questions confirms that value, and invests
in our future. It allows our public schools to meet the challenges of 38% enrollment growth, protects vital
services including police and fire, and responsibly finances the renovation of Devotion School. A shortsighted
no vote will mean immediate, painful cuts this fall. Protect our schools and services and move Brookline
AGAINST QUESTION 1; IN FAVOR OF QUESTION 2: (authored by The Campaign for a Better Override)
School quality can be maintained with a smaller override. Inflation-adjusted per pupil spending has kept up
with enrollment. The $7.66M override funds wants over needs and ignores other large overrides needed in
the next 5 years. A smaller override can be offered in June-no services will be cut. Do not be swayed by scare
tactics. Vote for accountability, fiscal restraint and consideration for all Brookline residents.
No on 1; Yes on 2.
Prepared by the Brookline League of Women Voters